A Wellness Real Estate Company Focused on Creating Healthy Indoor Environments.
We are INSPIRED by the limitless
power of humanity.
We are EXPERTLY aware of how buildings
impact human health.
We are FOCUSED on creating economic and social value and providing superior service.
the strength of our mission
“Healthy Buildings for All”.
FOREFRONT is a unique, independent wellness real estate company focused on integrating wellness into the spaces we live, learn, work and play by enhancing building design, operations and organizational policies.
FOREFRONT’S focus is to create healthy and inspiring environments while promoting awareness on impacts the built environment has on our bodies and minds.
FOREFRONT uses the WELL Building Standard™, a performance-based system for measuring, certifying, and monitoring features of the built environment that impact human health and well-being, as a foundation for our consulting services. Based on years of scientific research, the standard provides an excellent framework to improve the health and wellness of building occupants through better design, operations and organizational policies.
FOREFRONT will expertly guide the wellness journey of clients that are seeking to:
Improve Employee Performance
Elevate Corporate Brand and Identity
Attract and Retain Industry Best Talent
Invigorate and Unify Culture
Advance Corporate Sustainability Goals
Differentiate themselves from the Competition
Demonstrate Industry Leadership